Our ESAI mailing list is aimed at facilitating communication and interaction between persons interested in the environmental sciences (in its widest sense) and their application to environmental planning and management in Ireland.
The advertising of jobs and tenders for work is encouraged. If you have details of seminars, activities, stories of environmental interest that subscribers may be interested in please email us at esai@listserv.heanet.ie for distribution. Please send your email to the mailing list as you want it to appear, content cannot be edited only approved by admin, whereby it will then be sent to all our subscribers. Only subscribers can post messages to the list. (Note: all emails are screened prior to distribution by the ESAI to avoid spam emails and images cannot be published.)
Go to the following link and follow these instructions. Add your ‘Name’ and ‘Email Address’, ensure that ‘ESAI Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland’ is selected and click ‘Subscrbie (ESAI)’.
The Listserver will respond asking you to confirm. Reply to this email containing only the message: ok. Again omit signature and anything else you may normally add.