

Student Prize Winners at Environ 2024

Student Prize Competition at Environ 2024

Growing from strength to strength over the years the ESAI run student competition at Environ is a great opportunity for students to gain recognition for their presentation skills. This year we have €2,750 in prizes to award for the best student presentations at the Environ Colloquium to date.

Prize winners were announced at the close of conference ceremony taking place after lunch at Environ on Wednesday March 27th. Along with their award each winner was invited to submit an article on their research project to the ESAI Website and the ESAI Newsletter, and receive publicity from their sponsor.

Environ 2024 Prizes To Date:

ESAI Best Oral Presentation (€500) sponsored by Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland

Ultan O'Donnell, UCD for his oral presentation titled Impacts of Weather and Human Intervention on Historical Forestry Pest Outbreaks on the Island of Ireland. Read more here.



ESAI Best Poster Presentation (€250) sponsored by Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland

Tapiwa Nyakauru, SETU Waterford for his poster, Expression and functional characterization of recombinant metallothionein proteins of water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in E. coli. Read more here.


Best Organic Wastes Recycling Presentation (€250) sponsored by Foster Environmental Ltd.

Shon Shiju University College Cork, for their talk titled Biorefining Biowaste Digestate into Biostimulant and Soil Conditioner in a Circular Economy Context. Read more here.



Best Wastes & Resources Management Presentation (€250 & 12 month CIWM student membership) sponsored by Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM)

Thomas McCarthy Teagasc with his talk titled Soil specificity of potassium dynamics in temperate grassland soils: A soil mesocosm study. Read more here.




Best Water Related Presentation (€250) sponsored by Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM)

Leila Bowe, DCU for her talk, Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) from Source to Sink in the River Liffey. Read more here.




Best Social Engagement Presentation (€250) sponsored by Environmental Services Ireland

Geraldine Doolan, University of Galway for her oral presentation, Assigning recreational value to a specific coastal ecosystem in a travel cost modelling context. Read more here.




Best Natural History Presentation (€250) sponsored by Irish Naturalists’ Journal

Lydia Thompson, UCD for her talk, Evaluating Agri-environmental Measures for Conserving Bumblebees. Read more here.




• Best Biodiversity Presentation (€250) sponsored by Chartered Insitute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM)

Dulani Wickramanayaka, University College Cork for her talk, Boom-Bust dynamics in native and non-native mussel species and their hybrid crosses in Irish near shore environments over two decades. Read more about Dulani’s research here.


Best Analytical Chemistry Poster (€250) sponsored by Eurachem Ireland

Rozina, SETU, Waterford for her poster Biological degradation of synthetic plastics- Enzymes as potential catalysts for Polyethylene Terephthatlate (PET) recycling. Read more about Rozina’s research here.


Richard Fitzgerald Memorial Prize Best Aquatic Environment Poster  (€250) sponsored by AquaTT

Alexander Savelev, DCU for his poster presentation Detection of PMT Chemicals in Environmental Samples via SPE and HPLC Analysis. Read more here.




Richard Fitzgerald

Richard was an exemplary fisheries zoologist. He was an excellent researcher and a gifted and inspiring lecturer. A UCC graduate [BSc and PhD], Richard was involved research and development in Aquaculture for almost 30 years in a variety of roles and posts in UCC, AquaTT and NUIG. He was also extremely interested in natural freshwater and marine fish populations, with a rare and extensive knowledge in both aquatic environments developed over the span of his career. He published over thirty peer reviewed publications, which are widely cited. Until the end of 2015, he was Research Co-ordinator and manager of the NUIG aquaculture research lab at Carna. 
Richard was blessed with an insatiable curiosity about all research, particularly in the aquatic environment and the highlight of his annual visit to Environ was the poster sessions. His rule of thumb for all his students and employees was that they could go to any relevant conference as long as they produced a poster! Richard sadly passed away on December 5th 2016. Thank you to AquaTT for sponsoring the Richard Fitzgerald prize for best poster in Aquatic Environment.


Judging Criteria for Presentations

Following the links to download the judging scorecards for Oral and Poster presentations.

Check out some of the previous Environ student competition winners and Environ 2023 Winners 


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