Welcome to the ESAI conference registration page.
General registration open until 12th March.
Call for abstracts now closed.
The registration fees for Environ 2025 are as follows:
Paid up members at the time of the conference receive an ESAI members discount on delegate fees (€65 for full members and €40 or for student members). Efforts continue to ensure that registration is affordable and to maintain high participation levels at Environ 2025, the annual flagship event of ESAI. Furthermore, a student group discount rate of €120 (Group of 10) is also available, which is aimed particularly at undergraduate students considering a career in research and postgraduate students who may be interested in deepening their knowledge of environmental issues. Please contact administrator@esaiweb.org with any queries regarding registration or Group Discounts. Note that the registration fees include ESAI membership for one year.
You can find out more about submitting abstracts and presenting at Environ here.
If you have any queries regarding registration please email administrator@esaiweb.org
If you have any queries regarding abstract submission please email conferences@esaiweb.org.