1. Name
The name of the organisation shall be The Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland.
2. Aims
2.1. To facilitate communication and interaction between persons interested in the environmental sciences and their application to environmental planning and management.
2.2. To encourage a better understanding of the importance of the environment.
2.3. To foster appreciation of good environmental quality.
2.4. To promote the environmental sciences and the profession of environmental practice.
2.5. To facilitate access to specialist knowledge and scientific comment on environmental issues.
3. Management
3.1. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Council of not less than 10 elected members, including 5 officers, and not more than 15 members in total.
3.2. The Council shall have the power to co-opt additional members for one year of office.
3.3. The officers shall be: Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, and Honorary Editor.
3.4. The duties of the Chairperson shall be: (i) to chair meetings of the Council and all General Meetings; (ii) to guide and promote the activities of the Association; and, (iii) to represent the Association.
3.5. The duties of the Vice-chairperson shall be those of the Chairperson in his or her absence.
3.6. The duties of the Hon. Secretary shall be to maintain minutes and other records of the Association, and to carry out other secretarial duties as requested by the Council.
3.7. The duties of the Hon. Treasurer shall be to manage the finances of the Association, and to keep membership records.
3.8. The duties of the Hon. Editor shall be to produce the Newsletter of the Association as requested by Council.
4. Election of Council and Officers
4.1. The election of officers and other members of the Council shall take place only at Annual General Meetings, as Council vacancies arise.
4.2. Election shall be by secret ballot.
4.3. The term of office of Council members shall be two years and members shall be eligible for immediate re-election.
4.4. All nominations for election shall be in writing signed by two members of the Association with the written consent of the candidate to serve if elected.
Nominations for election to the Council shall be given to the Hon. Secretary at or before the Annual General Meeting.
4.5. Temporary appointments until the next General Meeting may be made by the Council to fill vacancies arising during a term of office.
4.6. The Council shall be empowered to appoint Committees from among members of the Association, and determine the terms of reference of such committees.
4.7. Only fully paid-up Association members may participate in elections.
5. Council Meetings
5.1. The Hon. Secretary shall be authorised to call meetings of the Council, when so directed by the Chairperson.
5.2. Alternatively, any five Council members, acting in concert, may call a Council meeting.
5.3. All Council members must be informed in writing of the date, time and venue of any forthcoming Council meeting at least seven days in advance of that Council meeting.
5.4. Within two months of the Annual General Meeting there shall be a Council meeting at which the Hon. Secretary must provide a written list of names and addresses of all Council members.
5.5. A quorum at the meeting of the Council shall consist of five elected members.
5.6. Members of the Council who fail to attend three consecutive meetings of the Council without apology shall cease to be members of it, unless reinstated by a majority vote of the Council.
5.7. The decisions of the Council shall be taken by a majority vote. The Chairperson shall not vote except in the event of a tie.
6. General Meetings
6.1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at approximately annual intervals, at such time and place as shall be decided by the Council.
6.2. The Hon. Secretary shall at the direction of the Council, be empowered to call a General Meeting for the consideration of the business of the Association.
6.3. The Hon. Secretary shall give all members of the Association not less than two weeks notice of the date, time and place of any General Meeting.
6.4. A quorum of any General Meeting shall be the number of elected members of the Council plus one.
6.5. Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority vote with the Chairperson having a casting vote in the event of a tie.
6.6. Voting shall be by ballot, or by show of hands if so agreed by a majority of members present.
7. Finances
The funds of the Association shall be in the name of the Association and shall be operated by the Hon. Treasurer, who will be accountable to the Association and shall produce accounts at the Annual General Meeting. The accounts of the Association shall be audited.
8. Membership
8.1. There shall be two categories of membership:
(i) Subscribing Membership, for members paying ordinary or reduced subscription.
(ii) Honorary Life Membership, for members elected by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Council, if, in the opinion of the Council, they have contributed in an outstanding way over a many years to the advancement of environmental research or practice in Ireland. As honorary members they shall be entitled to the full benefits of ordinary membership for life. No more than one honorary member may be elected in any one year.
8.2. There shall be two categories of subscription:
(i) Ordinary subscription, open to all persons interested in the aims of the Association.
(ii) Reduced subscription, open to all students and unwaged persons interested in the aims of the Association.
9. Annual Subscription
9.1. The annual subscription shall be decided by the Council.
9.2. The annual subscription shall be payable on the 1st day of January of each year by all members. The unwaged subscription shall not be less than half the ordinary subscription.
9.3. Membership of the Association shall lapse if the current annual subscription is not paid by the 1st day of April of each year.
10. Privileges of Membership
10.1. Members shall be entitled to receive free of charge the circulars and any regular publications of the Association.
10.2. Members shall be entitled to be notified of and granted access to all meetings of the Association, but only by the invitation of the Council to Council Meetings, or by the invitation of a Committee to Committee Meetings.
10.3. Members shall be entitled to submit articles and letters for consideration for publication in any publications of the Association.
10.4. Members shall be entitled to attend and vote at all meetings of the Association, other than Council and Committee Meetings.
11. Amendments and Alterations to the Constitution
11.1. No rule shall be made, altered or deleted from this constitution, except at a General Meeting of the Association. All Members are entitled to suggest an amendment, prior to a General Meeting, by submitting the suggested change to the Hon. Secretary.
11.2. The Hon. Secretary shall notify members of any suggested amendment before the General Meeting at which it is to be considered. A majority of twothirds of those present in favour of the amendment shall authorise the amendment.
11.3. Amendments proposed before a General Meeting may be amended themselves during the General Meeting, with the consent of the proposer of the original amendment and a simple majority of those present at the General Meeting.